Client Care

At Erskine Chambers we strive to provide excellent client service.  Our clerking team is responsive, highly experienced and happy to discuss matters and fees with you to deliver the best possible service.

We value feedback and welcome any comments or suggestions about our service and how we might improve it.


Provision of Services

Each member of Erskine Chambers is a Sole Practitioner.

Each member of Erskine Chambers is registered with and regulated by the Bar Standards Board of England and Wales.

You can search the Barristers’ Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website:’-register/. This shows (1) whether a barrister has a current practising certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standards Board’s website in accordance with their policy. Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 020 7611 1444 to ask about this (or e-mail

Each member of Erskine Chambers is governed by the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales. The Code of Conduct can be found in Part 2 of the Bar Standards Board Handbook

Each member has professional indemnity insurance cover provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund ( – Bar Mutual Management Company, 90, Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4ST). Terms of coverage is world-wide, subject to the terms of cover of the Bar Mutual, which may be accessed at

Fees: Requests for fee information including fee rates and fee estimates should be directed to the clerks.

Erskine Chambers adopts a transparent fee policy. Estimates and quotations should be discussed with the clerks. They will provide fees using the most appropriate method for the matter at hand. This maybe hourly rates, fixed fees, brief fees or the appropriate overall fee based on the level of experience of the Barrister and the complexity and value of the matter. Barristers in chambers also accept instructions under conditional fee agreements in certain circumstances. For more information, please contact the Clerks.

Timeframes for work should be discussed with the Clerks. A number of factors will determine speed of turn-around, such as the chosen Counsel’s availability, present work load and the weight and complexity of the work involved.

Complaints: If you have a complaint about a Member of Erskine Chambers, please see the Erskine Complaints Procedure.

Contractual Terms of Work

The Code of Conduct provides that barristers are obliged under the Cab Rank Rule to accept instructions which are offered either (a) on the Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services to Authorised Persons annexed to the Code  (the “Bar Council Terms”) or (b) on terms which a barrister or the barrister’s Chambers have published as the barrister’s standard terms of work.

At Erskine Chambers the default position is that instructions are accepted by barristers, in line with the Cab Rank Rule, under (a) the Bar Council Terms which can be found here or (b) the current COMBAR/CLLS Terms Payment Basis A (the latest terms for which can be downloaded here).

Barristers at Erskine Chambers will, of course, consider alternative terms of engagement but they are not obliged to accept instructions on any other terms unless by discussion and agreement.

Diversity Data 2021

In accordance with Bar Standards Board regulations, Chambers are required to publish a summary of data collected through a diversity data monitoring exercise. The summary of our most recent exercise can be downloaded here.


VAT Registration Numbers

Michael Todd KC 890 956 081

David Mabb KC 354 3164 66

Martin Moore KC 393 8480 09

David Chivers KC 404 6429 68

Peter Arden KC 417 8965 09

Raquel Agnello KC 494 6818 91

Andrew Thompson KC 564 3573 26

James Potts KC 671 9592 92

Andrew Thornton KC 667 5250 14

Edward Davies KC 752 0112 80

Ben Shaw KC  839 4053 14

Nick Segal 301 8144 45

Catherine Roberts 466 3920 27

Nigel Dougherty 653 7120 48

Stephen Horan 832 7579 03

Ben Griffiths 877 0196 93

Matthew Parfitt 877 0196 93

Jack Rivett 126 1827 24

Anna Scharnetzky 151 3886 07

Chantelle Staynings 169 9747 33

Andrew Blake 204 0006 87

Conor McLaughlin 317 6979 58

Phil Morrison 343 3853 01

Seamus Woods 343 4704 13

Tom Hall 395 9436 37

 Dan Butler  416 5183 05

Carleen Sobczyk  437 1171 12