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10@12 Webinar: Injunctions and Corporate Transactions

  1. What types of claim are available in relation to corporate transactions as the basis for injunction applications?
  2. What types of transaction are vulnerable to injunction applications?
  3. What are the specific danger areas in relation to corporate transactions which are vulnerable?
  4. What rules govern injunction applications in unfair prejudice claims under s994 Companies Act 2006?
  5. When does American Cyanamid not apply in such applications?
  6. Are the rules different for part 7 and derivative claims?
  7. Is it practical to restrain the sale of a majority stake?
  8. Is it practical to restrain a drag along?
  9. What are the tactical lessons for respondents to applications to restrain corporate transactions?
  10. What are the tactical lessons for applicants?

Andrew Thompson KC
Andrew Blake